Commission Work for Call 2023AW Collection
Photography: Yukihito Kono
Model: Mikiya Nakano
Hair: Kazhiro Naka
Styling: Tatsuya Yoshida
"When recalling childhood memories, what I experienced sometimes feels terribly distant. There is tension and uncertainty, as if I am tapping into someone else's memory. I find that my memories are mixed up with what is generally considered to be representative of my childhood. Does my past also exist only in my mind?" ─ Excerpt from Call AW 2023 statement
We visited twelve different homes in Tokyo and took photographs there so that we could mix the elements of clothes that Yoshiro designed, inspired by his own memories or general memories of "nostalgia", with those places where people are making memories. This series of photographs shows the result of that experiment, but also seen as a document of the lives of twelve young people in Tokyo without their figures.
「幼少期の記憶を思い出す時、自分が体験したことが酷く遠くに感じることがある。まるで他人の記憶を盗み見ているような緊張と不確かさがある。自分の記憶が一般的に言われている幼少期を代表する記憶と混在していることに気がつく。 自分の過去もまた、頭の中にしか存在しないのだろうか」 ─ Call AW 2023ステートメントより抜粋