“And Snow Falls on Your Eyelashes Again” (2012 - 2015)
This work consists of photographs taken in two different cities between 2012 and 2015; in London where Kono used to stay for study, and in Kanazawa which is his hometown and currently lives in. Though geologically distant and culturally different they are, Kono felt something in common from those two places. In this book, he tries to flatten them together by sequencing photographs of snow scenes and his partner Maria both taken in London and in Kanazawa and weaves a fictional dairy-like short story.
Limited edition zine was published by Las Injurias (Caracas) in 2015
『そしてまた睫の上に雪は降る』(2012 - 2015)
限定版Zine: 『And Snow Falls on Your Eyelashes Again/そしてまた睫の上に雪は降る』 、2015年 Las Injurias刊